What is Shell Eco-marathon?

Shell Eco-marathon is one of the world’s leading energy-efficiency engineering programmes for students. It aims to push the boundaries of what is technically possible and inspire young people to become leading scientists and engineers of future energy solutions.

The programme provides a platform for high school and university teams to explore every aspect of design and technology, using their Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) skills to build their own ultra-energy-efficient cars, and then take them out on the track in competition.

D’BASE, a group of nineteen students from the BINUS ASO School of Engineering, is participating in the Shell Eco-marathon, one of the world’s leading energy efficiency competitions. The Shell Eco-marathon is a unique global program for students pursuing science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. This competition provides these students with the opportunity to design and build ultra-energy-efficient cars, after which they take them out on to the track to compete.