Encourage and motivate future engineers to participate in the development of environmentally friendly technology.

To participate in the annual Shell Eco-Marathon and bring honor to both the university and Indonesia.


AeroBASE is a team of passionate and highly dedicated students from BINUS ASO School of Engineering, specializing in robotics and aeronautics. We are eager to learn and innovate by participating in the Indonesian Flying Robot Contest (Kontes Robot Terbang Indonesia, KRTI). Our focus is on developing a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) vehicle that can aid in natural disaster relief efforts in Indonesia. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), advanced sensor systems, and autonomous control, we aim to create efficient and sustainable solutions to achieve success at KRTI.


BASE Center of Robotic Engineering (BASEC.O.R.E) is a student organization notable for specializing in robotic research and development. Our vision is to become a welcoming place full of innovation and creativity for college students to become competent and excellent in the robotic industry.

Through our divisions which are the Learning Division, the Robotic Research Division, and the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Division, we aim to achieve our mission to enrich the reputation of BINUS ASO School of Engineering by educating our members with learning modules, research, and experimentations. Additionally, we encourage collaboration between individual research fields to produce ideas and breakthroughs that are relevant to the modern advancements of technology in this age.

Himpunan Mahasiswa BASE (HMB)

Himpunan Mahasiswa BASE (HMB) is one of the most prominent student organizations at BINUS ASO School of Engineering, focusing on developing members’ soft skills. As a highly sought-after organization, HMB consistently organizes annual activities that engage all BINUS ASO students. To maximize members' potential, HMB is divided into several divisions: Entrepreneur, Minat dan Bakat, Clubs and Organizations (CNO), Pengembangan Sumber Daya Mahasiswa (PSDM), Community Service, and Media. Each division is responsible for hosting at least one major event per term, ensuring impactful and innovative programs.

Additionally, HMB has been entrusted by the university to manage official events, such as the BINUS ASO Enrichment Week in 2023 and 2024. Our mission is to create a welcoming and adaptive environment, foster achievements in academic and non-academic fields, and strengthen connections between students and faculty. Guided by creativity, innovation, integrity, and a global vision, HMB strives to build an inspiring and competitive community.

Kendo Club

Kendo (剣道) is a modern Japanese martial art rooted in traditional samurai swordsmanship (kenjutsu). We develop the Japanese fighting spirit. Our motto is to respect others to be respected. This club allows us to learn how to master the technique of Japanese martial arts, not only in the physical sphere but also in spiritual form. In the samurai mastery of technique, we learned various techniques that train our arms’ strength and attack accuracy. Meditation is performed to sharpen our sensitivity to the environment.

Design Club

Design Club introduces members to the world of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), a prominent medium used by various industry professionals to create, analyze, and simulate 2D and 3D models of future products. With the guidance of a product design expert, members gain profound knowledge about the design thinking process and develop a strong foundation for CAD. In Design Club, members are also able to engage in a design-oriented community and collaborate with like-minded individuals, turning design ideas into tangible creations.

Esport and Otaku

Japanese value fusion with the richness of Indonesian culture triggered us to bring about e-sport and otaku club. Our club facilitates students’ hobbies as well as their eagerness to learn further about Japan-Indonesia acculturation. The desire expands into e-sport activities where our brain and motoric are challenged through comprehensive coordination and winning spirit, while the otaku part exercises our aesthetic and sensibility in creating handcrafts, comics, animation, and many other creative activities.

自動車 R&D

Automobile R&D is a club where we learn to create a car and further modify it from scratch to a fully functional and safe road car. Students are given the freedom to create their own ideas, where they would be able to implement the mechanical subjects and theories they have learned such as aerodynamics, suspension settings, etc, to the real test. Here at R&D, we have a collaborative goal to learn from the things we create and imagine. In our first step, we created our very own first EV car, and in the future, we want to modify the car to bring out its true potential to its extent.

Last Update: Feb 2025 by Prof. Dr. Eng. Fergyanto E. Gunawan