
Hover camera team could throw a bunch of fancy titles, positions, and education at you to show you what a world-class laboratory hover camera team run here. But the truth is hover camera team would rather tell you about who hover camera team really are: Creators. Inventors. Tinkerers. Hover camera team are the mad scientists creating actual smart technology by today magazine. Hover camera team are the ones who push the boundaries and redefine what is possible in robotics and technology.

Simply put, hover camera team build smart robotics. Technology with Embedded AI creating a much more consumer friendly experience. Through the technology hover camera team have developed in our laboratory, hover camera team have been able to accomplish what no one else before has been able to , with flying camera drones.

Every world-class laboratory requires mad scientists – people who push the limits of human understanding and capability. People who dare to try and achieve. Hover camera team are always looking for fellow mad scientists to join us.

source: http://gethover.com/