Business Engineering, as known as BE provides comprehensive insight on doing business with strong engineering. BE intertwines trilogy of Operations & Systems Engineering; Business & Finance; and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). CFA, known as Chartered Financial Analyst is one of important aspect for Business Engineer to be certified in the Business and Finance domain.

This article conveys further elaborated perspective of the aforementioned Sustainable Investing. To some extent this article constitutes the wider elaboration of Environmental Social Governance (ESG). This article is originated from source and adapted from and

Why Is Sustainable Investing Important?

Interest in sustainable investing continues to grow, and the pressure is on for investment organizations to move toward the sustainable investing model. In an era when the investment industry is challenged by rising end-client and regulatory expectations and challenging economics, the alternative of maintaining the status quo leaves the industry vulnerable to decline.

The next stage of development will depend heavily on industry leadership and innovation in investment thinking and practice, as well as data management. If these are present, the future is exceptionally bright.

CFA Institute Is Committed to Sustainable Investing

As the largest global association of investment professionals, CFA Institute has committed to the development of sustainable investing and ESG investing and analysis through a variety of efforts including the following: