Greeting from Head of Program
Selamat datang di E-Portofolio Exhibition 2021: Product Design Engineering Program, BINUS ASO School of Engineering, BINUS University.
Product Design Engineering (PDE) program, di BINUS ASO School of Engineering (BASE), memberikan kesempatan kepada para mahasiswanya untuk dapat mengembangkan dan "mewujudnyatakan" gagasan desain sebagai solusi permasalahan yang menyeluruh melalui project-based learning. Melalui pemanfaatan bahan yang sesuai untuk bentuk dan warna, konsep desain direkayasa menjadi desain produk yang berpusat pada manusia, inovatif dan berfungsi optimal.
Sinergi proses belajar mengajar dan dengan semangat mendidik yang utuh, memungkinkan para dosen untuk dapat melakukan pendekatan yang intensif dalam proses literasi maupun bimbingan. Hasilnya, mahasiswa kami secara konsisten, dapat terus berkembang dan semakin mampu untuk berinovasi, dalam menghasilkan produkproduk yang tidak saja memiliki nilai seni tetapi juga fungsi, yang ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan, keselamatan, dan kenyamanan hidup manusia.
Sistem belajar di BINUS ASO School of Engineering yang unik, ditunjang dengan pemanfaatan teknologi yang mumpuni, serta dedikasi para pendidik yang tersedia, mampu menjawab berbagai tantangan yang muncul karena Pandemik Covid-19. Kreativitas mahasiswa tetap terpelihara dengan baik, sehingga tetap produktif dalam melahirkan berbagai ide dan karya yang inovatif, seperti yang dapat ditampilkan di dalam Product Design Engineering E-Portfolio Exhibition 2021, BINUS ASO School of Engineering. Semoga pameran karya mahasiswa kami dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kita semua dan masyarakat.
Salam hangat: Sehat selalu, tetap Serangkai dan tetap Semangat.
Yosica Mariana, ST, MT
Head of Program
Product Design Engineering (PDE)
Welcome to the E-Portfolio Exhibition 2021: Product Design Engineering Program, BINUS ASO School of Engineering, BINUS University.
The Product Design Engineering (PDE) program, at BINUS ASO School of Engineering (BASE), provides students the opportunity to produce and carry out design ideas into comprehensive solutions to problems through project-based learning method. The product is designed upon considering the appropriateness of the material attributes, in addition to design concepts engineered towards innovative human-centered with optimal product functions.
The synergy among teaching and learning process and educating vibes enables faculty to take intensive approaches in the literacy processes and guidance. As a result, our students are consistently developing and increasingly able to innovate, in producing products that are not only artistic but also function to improve the health, safety and comfort of human life.
The unique learning system at BINUS ASO School of Engineering, is supported by the qualified technology and dedication of the faculty, overcoming various challenges that arise amid Covid-19 Pandemic. Students' creativity is maintained well, so that they remain productive in bringing out various innovative ideas and works, such as those displayed in the Product Design Engineering E-Portfolio Exhibition 2021, BINUS ASO School of Engineering. We believe that the students' works through such exhibition will benefit the society and stakeholders.
Greetings: Stay Healthy, Safe, and Connected.
Yosica Mariana, ST, MT
Head of Program
Product Design Engineering (PDE)
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