Apakah IISMA?

IISMA yang singkatan dari Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards, merupakan program beasiswa pemerintah Republik Indonesia dari Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia untuk program mobilitas satu semester bagi di universitas ternama di luar negeri bagi mahasiswa S1 dan di industri terkemuka di luar negeri bagi mahasiswa Vokasi.

Highlights about IISMA.

  • Offers scholarships to Indonesian undergraduate and vocational students, enabling them to experience an enriching academic semester abroad and gain global exposure,
  • Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM): IISMA is the flagship program under MBKM, a broader initiative by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) to empower students and foster cross-cultural understanding and academic learning paths and to promote a more flexible and student-centered education system,
  • Funding Opportunity: IISMA is financially supported by the Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education Agency (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan-LPDP) under the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. This funding source underscores the government’s commitment to investing in Indonesian students’ educational and global development.

Award Coverage 

  • Registration and tuition fees at the host university (at cost, payment directly from IISMA to the host institution). Students must still pay tuition fees (BP3 & SKS) at BINUS University
  • Health insurance premiums in the host country during the program (at cost)
  • Round trip flight (economy class, at cost, directly arranged by IISMA)
  • Visa application costs (using reimbursement system)
  • Settlement and living allowance
  • Emergency fund, if applicable.

Requirement (BINUS & BINUS ASO Students)

  1. Enroll as an active BINUS University student taking an undergraduate degree and never taking semester leave(s) during the university studies
  2. In semester 3/4 (B2026) or semester 5/6 (B2025) during the application period
  3. Must be able to take the enrichment semester for Odd Semester 2024/2025, shown by mobility proposal signed and approved by the Head of Department/Program or relevant authorities
  4. Must be an Indonesian citizen (WNI) residing in Indonesia and do not hold dual citizenship
    • In case the students are born from a mixed marriage, they must have a copy of Surat Keputusan (Decision Letter of Citizenship) issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights, which states that the student has chosen Indonesia as their nationality
  5. Be a maximum of 24 years old on 1 July 2023 (applicants born on or before 30 June 2000 are not eligible to apply)
  6. Have a cumulative GPA of a minimum of 3.0 (out of 4.0), proven by the latest academic transcript
  7. Have adequate English proficiency* with a minimum score of IELTS –6.0, TOEFL iBT –78, Duolingo English Test –100 to IISMA’s official institutional code of respective English test
    • The BUEPT/BIEPT, TOEFL ITP, or other English proficiency certificates are unacceptable.
    • If the host university requires a higher level of English proficiency and/or GPA, applicants must meet that requirement to continue their application
    • English Proficiency Score Submission Procedure:  https://iisma.kemdikbud.go.id/info/english-proficiency-score-submission-procedure/
  8. Not receiving a living allowance from other funding/scholarship from the Kemendikbudristek and LPDP during the IISMA Program
  9. Not participating in other Kampus Merdeka programs at the same time as the IISMA Program
  10. Not have participated in more than one (1) Kampus Merdeka Program before the IISMA Program
  11. Never have violated the rules, norms, and/or laws applied in Indonesia
  12. Be willing to follow the rules and regulations while participating in IISMA
  13. Received approval from the Head of the Program/Department
  14. Have a recommendation letter from the BINUS Internationalization Office (formerly known as BINUS International Office.


  • 23 Januari 2024: Open for registration
  • 24 January 2024: Recommendation Letter request to BINUS
  • 04 February 2024: Deadline for Recommendation Letter request to BINUS
  • 14 February 2024: Deadline registration for IISMA


IISMA Supports and Seminars

  1. Info session #1: How to Apply IISMA
    Wednesday, 24 January 2024, 15.30 - 17.00, Online
    Registration Link: https://binus.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvduGhrjorGtyBD3s4SLUiM_qKY_E4sszD#/registration
  2. Info session #2
    Saturday, 27 January 2024, 10.00 - 12.45, Hybrid from Auditorium 400, Anggrek Campus.
    Link : https://binus.zoom.us/j/92422647552#success
  3. Info session #3: Workshops: Tips and Tricks for IISMA Personal Statement
    Tuesday, 30 January 2024, 15.30 - 17.00, Hybrid from Kemanggisan Campus
    Registration Link: https://binus.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMscOirpz4rGt11rr1ws75nE6EcgElgiifn#/registration
  4. Info session #4: Talkshow: Tips & Tricks for IISMA Interview
    Thursday, 22 February 2024, 15.30 - 17.00 WIB, Hybrid from Kemanggisan Campus.
    Registration Link: https://binus.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEsde-sqTwoGNJlw_2XlpLhbzj9x3ey7Xfk#/registration
  5. Zoom Consultation: every Tuesday & Thursday, 09.30 - 11.30
    Link: https://binus.zoom.us/j/94023849760?pwd=QUpWM1R3VG8rMllBaE82TW4zazhlZz09#success
  6. E-mail inquires to: mega.pertiwi@binus.edu & arina.utami@binus.edu




[1] Website IISMA: https://iisma.kemdikbud.go.id/

[2] https://linktr.ee/binusstudyabroad