Consumer robots are defined as Robots that are operated by, or interact with, untrained, or minimally trained people in everyday environments. Typically these robots will be bought or leased and used to provide services to individuals.
These robots will be considered to fall within the consumer regulatory framework. They are likely to be mass produced, although not in every application. The business models will typically be based on B2C transactions either on a purchase or hire basis.

Source: SPARC

Compiled by: Dr. Khristian Edi Nugroho Soebandrija, BSIE, MM. 

Binus Aso School of Engineering, BINUS University.

Overview on Consumer Robots

Authored by:  SPARC

Consumer Robots

Consumer robots are defined as Robots that are operated by, or interact with, untrained, or minimally trained people in everyday environments. Typically these robots will be bought or leased and used to provide services to individuals.
These robots will be considered to fall within the consumer regulatory framework. They are likely to be mass produced, although not in every application. The business models will typically be based on B2C transactions either on a purchase or hire basis.

Domain Overview

The domain can be divided into a number of different sub-domains:
 Domestic appliances
 Entertainment
 Education
 Assisted Living
Each of these sub-domains has particular characteristics.