Industry 3.0, 4.0—what's next? Stop playing catch-up and start applying digital at the core of your business to reinvent for a new era of industry.


Go beyond Industry 4.0

If you think Industry 4.0 is the epitome of industrial digitization—think again. The fact is the very notion of industry itself is evolving.
Today's world runs on rapid, exponential and, above all, perpetual change.
The solution is not another industrial revolution, but a wholesale digital transformation in both the things we make and the way we make them.
This is the New. This is Industry X.0.
Our end-to-end framework and cross-functional breadth of research and resources allows you to operationalize digital innovation across your business at every stage of product and service development.
Using new technologies like IIoT, analytics, AI, robotics, 3D printing and digital twin, you'll unlock new revenue and work with customers, employees and partners on a whole new level.
Through Industry X.0, we can help you not only adapt to change but also embrace it as a way to win in the New.


00.17 The challenge is to understand just how profound these changes are, for the world and
for these companies. This is not called the fourth industrial revolution for nothing
00.28 The vision on industry x is to transform the industries, we are not there yet. Three things
about industry x: number one, smart product that actually is progressing very well. Number two
the connected product, the idea is to create new business models, it mostly hasn’t happened yet.
And number three, the vision of industry x is really to re-engineer the way products are
engineered and manufactured, has it happened yet? No, not really. So industry x is out of the
gate but its starting incremental and now we have to help the industries, we have to help our
clients to really become transformational.
1:03 Accenture strategy is to help our clients rotate to the new, and the new of course is
everywhere. The new is underpinned by innovation, so in order to help our clients we built
an innovation architecture
1:25 The innovation network that we have built for our industrial clients is to help them envision
touch, feel, what are the ideas and the way they can transform their own operation

1:38 Understanding, how IT meets engineering… what happens in the world of
internet of things, that is what our innovations are about
1:46 Welcome to Garching just outside Munich were using three core techniques: industrial
design thinking, combined with a set of technology demonstrators and then finally a
connected products liquid studio which allows us to rapidly prototype solutions based on the
issues we discussed with them in our design thinking workshops with our clients using
sensors, using analytics, industrial IoT platforms to really demonstrate where value can be
created in the new industrial value chain
2:17 It’s really coming in with issues, and leaving the centers with solutions
2:23 Innovation is one of those terms, very easy to say, very easy to understand, but very hard to
operationalize in the real world.