The Evolution of Modern Car Technology
From a key in the ignition to unlocking a car with a cellphone. The evolution of the car has been a long one, but as time moves on, technology develops faster and faster.
The evolution of the car has been a long one, but as time moves on, technology develops faster and faster. The first car was invented in 1886 if you believe Mercedes-Benz, and then Henry Ford revolutionized how they were built with the Model T in 1908. In 1922, electronic ignition replaced the starter crank handle, but it wasn't until 1949 that Chrysler introduced the keyed ignition into production cars. Cigarette lighters came to automobiles in 1921, then car radios in 1930.
Once entertainment was taken care of, power steering appeared as far back as 1951, and then Chrysler introduced air conditioning in 1953, and cruise control appeared as early as 1958. Three-point seatbelts appeared in 1959 courtesy of Volvo, while the 1960s saw electric windows, heated seats, and intermittent wipers appear. Anti-lock brakes were first seen in 1971, in 1973, the catalytic converter turned up to ruin everyone's fun for nearly twenty years, and the first digital dashboard appeared in 1974. Airbags started becoming standard in the 1980s, then, in the 1990s, things started really picking up. That's where we'll start with the evolution of modern car technologies as we know them.
By Ian Wright in Car Culture
Eventually, adapted and narrated by Dr. Eng. Ir. Zener Sukra Lie, S.T., M.T.; ARE Team, BASE.
Hampir setiap tahun ada saja jenis mobil baru yang muncul atau jenis lama tapi sudah ditingkatkan baik dari sisi mesin, desain atau teknologinya. Perkembangan yang terjadi sejak awal munculnya mobil ada banyak mulai dari mesin, radio, pematik rokok, AC, jendela listrik, Air Conditioning, dsb. Pada topik klai ini saya tidak akan menceritakan satu demi satu tapi gambaran teknologi apa saja yang sudah digunakan pada mobil modern saat ini.
1990: Satellite Navigation
1996: Connected car
1998: Color Head-up Display
1999: Laser Adaptive Cruise Control
2000/2001: Bluetooth
2001: Modern Infotainment System
2002: Parking Camera
2004: Remote Start
2006: Self Parking Car
2007: Blind Spot Monitoring
2007: Led Headlights
2009: Smart Phone Connected Cars
2012: First License for Autonomous Cars
2014: Apple CarPlay
2018: Phone as Key
Itulah teknologi yang sudah mulai diterapkan pada mobil modern dan terus dikembangkan. Selanjutnya teknologi apalagi yang akan disatukan? Apakah Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Night Vision Assistant, Intelligent Speed Adaption atau yang lain? Yang pasti pengembangan mobil belum berhenti dan terus ada pembaharuan. Apakah ide anda akan menjadi bagian dari pembaharuan mobil modern ini?
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